3 Ways to Use Lighting Control in Your Design


Homeowners and Interior Designers Note These Style Techniques

Good lighting can elevate your design at all times of the day. Whether you’re settling in for a night watching movies or hosting a garden party for several friends, lighting sets the tone. When you’re selecting your furniture, deciding on color schemes, and designing the look of your new home, don’t forget about the illumination. As a homeowner or designer, home lighting automation has tools that make it simple to arrange and control your Kansas City, MO area project. Continue reading to learn more. 

Is Your Network Smart Home Ready?


4 Signs that Your Wi-Fi Needs Improvement 

In a smart home, so much of the performance relies on the home networking. If you want to watch streaming 4K picture, while someone in another room listens to the whole home audio, you’re going to need a robust system. As you connect more devices and smart technologies to your home’s Wi-Fi over time, the load only becomes more difficult to bear. Here are a few signs that you need to upgrade your Kansas City, MO home’s Wi-Fi. To learn more continue reading. 

How to Build a Better Video Conferencing System


Improve Your Business’s Communication with Commercial Audio Video 

Utilizing the modern commercial audio video tools available today, you can easily communicate with clients, employees, or whomever wherever they are in the world. This helps your company grow into new markets and improves communication between employees. But simply having the right equipment does not guarantee video conferencing success. In this article, we’re covering four steps your Kansas City, MO business needs to take in order to achieve world class video conferencing. Continue reading to learn more. 

Dedicated Home Theater Vs. Media Room


Which is The Right Choice for Your Kansas Home?

The latest trend in home entertainment is the multi-purpose media room. They are taking the reins from dedicated home theaters. While building a room around the ideal audio and video experience is still a wonderful way to enjoy a film or play a video game, media room design has dramatically evolved in the past couple years. In this blog, we’re comparing the two to see what’s right for your Mission Hills area home. Continue reading to learn more.