Is It Time for a Home Network Installation Upgrade?


Does your home network need an upgrade? Here are 3 telltale signs!

In the modern, connected world, reliable home networking is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity. If you study, work, or enjoy entertainment at home, then you likely have a home network installation in place. But is it really enough to satisfy your unique needs? Keep reading below to learn three important signs that it’s time to reach out to Applause Custom Sight & Sound to upgrade your networking and elevate your smart living experience in Kansas City, MO.

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How Can You Get the Most Out of Whole Home Audio?


Make Sure Your Kansas City Home Audio System Performs At Its Best

Whole home audio systems are perfect for any music lover.

No matter what room you’re in, you can enjoy your favorite playlists or listen to your preferred streams. You even can set the mood for a lively family gathering – just in time for the holidays.

But how do you know you’re getting the most out of your whole home audio?

In this blog, we’ll discuss three methods that can improve the sound system within your Kansas City, MO residence.

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