Enjoy High-Fidelity Music in Every Room of Your Home

A Control4 touchscreen displaying music selections from Deezer.

Experience the Wonders of a Whole-Home Audio System

A few frequent comments our clients share after experiencing whole-home audio are, “We’ve never listened to so much music before,” and “It’s so easy to use!” If you’re wondering why the accolades, we chalk it up to the power of high-fidelity sound. 

While music entertains us, it also has the power to inspire us, improve our mood, and reduce stress. John Hopkins Medicine reports that music has also been shown to reduce anxiety and pain as well as improve sleep quality and memory. No wonder our clients love whole-home audio.

Let’s explore this remarkable system and how it's transforming homes and families in Leawood, KS. 

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Landscape Speakers Create an Ideal Atmosphere for Your Business


Which Brands are the Best for Your Restaurant or Store?

No matter if you run a restaurant or bar or manage a retail store, you know that the way a business’ environment looks and feels has a huge impact on your clientele. And if you want to boost the ambiance of your Kansas City, MO space, there’s no better way than add in distributed audio with landscape speakers.

With speakers both inside and out of your business front, you can create an inviting atmosphere that will draw in customers and keep them coming back again and again. Want to learn more about this sound solution and what they can do for your place? Just continue reading below.

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FAQ: What You Need to Know About Whole Home Audio


Get the Most Out of Your Home Audio System

Are you looking to listen to your music in a brand-new way throughout your living space? With a whole home audio system, you can bring high-fidelity sound to every corner of your property in the Leawood, Kansas area.

But do you know the ins and outs of home audio – or even just the basics? No need to worry – we’ve got you covered.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the fundamentals of distributed audio and how it can benefit your everyday life and enrichen any event you host for friends and family.

Keep reading below to find out more about integrating audio in your home.

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How to Build a Better Video Conferencing System


Improve Your Business’s Communication with Commercial Audio Video 

Utilizing the modern commercial audio video tools available today, you can easily communicate with clients, employees, or whomever wherever they are in the world. This helps your company grow into new markets and improves communication between employees. But simply having the right equipment does not guarantee video conferencing success. In this article, we’re covering four steps your Kansas City, MO business needs to take in order to achieve world class video conferencing. Continue reading to learn more. 

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