How to Build a Better Video Conferencing System


Improve Your Business’s Communication with Commercial Audio Video 

Utilizing the modern commercial audio video tools available today, you can easily communicate with clients, employees, or whomever wherever they are in the world. This helps your company grow into new markets and improves communication between employees. But simply having the right equipment does not guarantee video conferencing success. In this article, we’re covering four steps your Kansas City, MO business needs to take in order to achieve world class video conferencing. Continue reading to learn more. 

Select a Video Display

One of the first decisions you will need to make is concerning the video display. The main choice is between using a television or a projector and screen model.

The first consideration will be the room itself. Is your conference room large or small? A larger conference room that can house more employees often benefits from a projector and screen. This model allows your system to produce a larger image than most televisions, which means that everyone can have a better view. For a smaller room, a television screen tends to produce a clearer picture, especially when faced with ambient light.

Whether you’re going with a projector and screen or television, adding motorized shades to the windows is a great way to ensure better picture quality. These shades are simple to adjust so that the sunlight isn’t causing glares or affecting the quality of the image.

Perfect Your Audio

Having seamless commercial audio helps reduce the possibility of miscommunication--at least that caused by commercial audio video. For the folks in the conference room, you’ll want to make sure that you have high-quality speakers installed throughout the space. A professional installation takes the acoustics of the room into account and makes sure there is an even sound distribution, so no one is left scratching their head. You may want to consider hidden speakers that are installed directly into the walls and ceiling, that way your audio equipment won’t distract from the decor.

In order to make sure your entire team can be heard by the person on the other end, proper microphone installation is a must. Placement is critical for avoiding feedback, distorted sounds, and making sure everyone can be heard. 

Focus on Your Network

Even if your commercial audio video equipment is of the highest quality and perfectly installed, a successful interaction depends upon your network. If your business’s Wi-Fi tends to go in and out, you can be sure that communication will be difficult. To avoid lag times and dropped calls, invest in a professional commercial network installation that begins with proper wiring.

Choose Smart Control

Perhaps one of the most common ways that companies lose value from their teleconferencing systems is by not knowing how to use it. A commercial automation system in your conference room makes it simple to harness all of your commercial audio video tools. From a touch pad, you can easily control the video and audio as well as the lighting, shading, temperature, and more. Create scenes, or collections of settings, specific to different types of meetings including teleconferencing. That way, the next time you’re communicating with someone outside of the office, you’ll just need to press one button for everything to be properly set up.

By improving your communication through commercial audio video, you’ll be expanding your business’s reach. If you’re ready to take the next step, contact Applause Custom Sight and Sound today.  

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