Transform Your Home with Today’s Automated Lighting Systems

A kitchen and living area with pendant and recessed lighting, and raised window coverings.

Let Lighting Set the Mood for Every Occasion

Imagine how different our lives would be without the lights that let us see in the dark, perform our everyday tasks, and bring beauty to our homes. And yet, it's so easy to take them for granted. When we wake in the morning, we flip a switch, and light fills the room. At night, we flip a switch, and darkness descends. Because it’s such an everyday occurrence, it becomes habitual, a task we perform with little awareness. 

Which leads to the question: are you aware of how much home lighting systems have transformed in the last several years? If you’re still flipping switches and experiencing light in one soft or bright white color, it’s time for a change. 

Let’s explore the possibilities in today’s automated lighting and how it’s transforming homes in Leawood, KS. 

SEE ALSO: Manage Your Home Effortlessly with Smart Home Automation

Effortless Control

Imagine waking to softly illuminated lights resembling the color of the rising sun. You walk into the bathroom, and the lighting is set to your perfect hue and intensity. For those who live in the fast lane, that may be a brilliant, bright white. For others who like to wake gently, the lights may reflect the soft glow of moonlight or candlelight. Thanks to today’s dynamic, full-spectrum lighting, you can change your lights to every color in the visible light spectrum. That’s about 17 million different colors.

Of course, sometimes it’s the simple actions that make life easy, like taping the "Away" button on an in-wall keypad and turning off every light in your home. When it's time for bed, tap the "Good Night" button, and all lights dim, except for a soft trail of lighting that leads to the bedroom.

The most important element of a home lighting system is that it’s customized and unique to your lifestyle and daily activities. With the right designer, installer, and programmer, you customize your lights to set the mood for every occasion and the right lighting for every task. Lighting is no longer just for seeing in the dark. It's become part of our home's design, creating the perfect ambiance for gathering with friends, dinner with family, and relaxing.


Daylighting, or using natural light in a home’s design, has proven vital for helping people live happier, healthier, and more productive lives. It helps increase productivity, enhances the sleep cycle, and, to top it off, saves energy. Unfortunately, this stunning light can also damage the interior of your home. That's where a home lighting system comes in. 

As the sun rises, your shades lower, protecting your home. At the same time, your interior lights automatically brighten. Thanks to tunable lighting, they also mimic natural light, reflecting the changing color of daylight and helping your body stay in tune with its natural cycles. The shades raise and lower throughout the day, letting in the diffuse light of the sun. And your lighting responds accordingly, dimming and brightening. 

At Applause Custom Sight & Sound, we enhance our clients' everyday lives with the latest technologies that are easy to use. To learn more about home lighting systems or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Applause Custom Sight & Sound today.

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