Take the Entertainment Outdoors


Bring the Party Outside with AV Features

Getting ready to host a dinner party or inviting family and friends over for a reunion?  Why limit the get-togethers to inside your home?

Outdoor audio video lets you take the festivities outside and creates a brand-new atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.

Make any event at your Mission Hills, KS home one to remember with a distributed AV system.

Read on to see how this smart outdoor technology can elevate any party you throw!

Upgrade Your Security System for Your New Home


Construct Your Space with These Protective Smart Features

No matter if you’re going on a day trip or a week-long vacation, leaving your home empty and unoccupied is no doubt a hazard for its safety.  You might be terrified of what’ll happen while you’re away!

But with a smart home security system, you won’t have to worry about your Overland Park, KS property, when you should be focusing on your trip or time visiting with family and friends.

The best time to implement a smart home system into your home is when it’s newly under construction.  We’ve listed below some of the top-notch smart security features your home would benefit from, that you can put into place as you set up your space.

Keep on reading to learn more about how you can achieve that needed peace of mind whether you’re home or far away.

Bring in More Customers to Your Store with Commercial AV


Enhance Your Retail Business in Every Way

You want your store to stand out from the rest.  Customers are attracted to stores that are visually appealing, so how can you up your store’s charm?

Advanced smart technology brings in customers, old and new, and commercial audio video the perfect solution to elevating your Leawood, KS shop’s atmosphere.

Read on below to see you how you can use these features to your advantage and make your space more welcoming and inviting!

Home Lighting Automation: How Will It Affect Your Property?


Explore What Happens When You Invest in a Custom Home Lighting Solution

Have you ever wondered what happens when you automate your home’s lights?

Perhaps you don’t even know where the automation process begins. Or you might be wondering how it could affect your family and your property.

At Applause Custom Sight & Sound, we often encounter homeowners in the Olathe, KS area and beyond who haven’t thought about home lighting automation before.

We want to change that, though.

When you consider a home lighting solution, you potentially can add value to your property and convenience for your family.

Below, we’ll explore what happens when you add a custom lighting control system to your home.

Just keep reading to find out more.