What Display Should You Use for Your Home Theater Installation?


Discover Whether a Projector or a TV Is a Better Fit for Your Home Theater

A lot of decisions go into designing a home theater, and perhaps the most important one is what display to install. You must consider size, picture quality, color, brightness, and more when evaluating which solution will best fit your project. The type of display is also an important component. Read below to learn whether you should use a projector and screen setup or a TV display for your home theater installation in Overland Park. KS.

SEE ALSO: 3 Common Myths about Home Theater Installations


Size used to be an essential factor in deciding between a projector or television, but now it has become less of an issue. You can get a quality 75-inch television for an affordable price that features Ultra HD 4K, which is essential for larger screens. The cost of TVs has fallen, and their performance has gotten much better. Still, you can get an affordable projector with decent brightness, color reproduction, and 4K resolution for less than a high-end 4K-UHD television. And the size is unmatched; with the proper space, you can cast an image up to 300 inches diagonally!

The ambiance of a projector is also unmatched. If you truly want to recreate the cinema experience at home, then you should consider a home theater projector. Skip expensive snacks and crowded theaters for a private oasis in which you can watch movies whenever you want. Projectors are also more portable, so if you move, you don't have to worry about breaking your TV.


Televisions offer better HDR, or high dynamic range, which means better detail and color range. Projectors often have issues playing HDR; projectors usually aren't as bright as TVs, and midrange projectors do not have the contrast ratio needed to show HDR. High-end projectors that can compete with the brightness offered by today’s TV displays are much more expensive than their TV counterparts.

Projectors also have issues with ambient light. When light other than the projector’s light hits the screen, it affects the darker parts of the image and can potentially ruin the picture quality. An ambient light rejecting screen is a possible solution to help keep your picture from looking washed out in the presence of light if you decide to choose a projector. However, to get the most out of a home theater projector, you will need to cover all the room's windows with blackout shades for the best result. But today’s TV displays can offer beautifully bright picture even in the brightest of environments.

Your decision between a projector and TV will depend on several factors beyond performance and price. Our team will help you narrow down your choices to pick the best display for your home theater environment and preferences!

Are you ready to start or upgrade your home theater installation? Contact Applause Custom Sight & Sound today to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.

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