3 Signs You Need to Update Your Home Theater ASAP


Don’t let your entertainment experience fall behind with an out-of-date home theater installation!

Your home theater is probably the area in your home in which you and your family have the most fun. No matter the weather outside, you can always count on your home theater to enjoy movies, TV shows, sports events, gaming, and more. Still, to enjoy your entertainment experience to the maximum, you need to keep your home theater installation up to date. 

But how will you know when your home theater needs to be improved? Keep reading our blog to learn three signs it’s time to reach out to Applause Custom Sight & Sound for an upgrade of your home theater in Overland Park, KS.

SEE ALSO: Enjoy Home Entertainment in Every Area of Your House

Your Picture Quality Is Just Not the Same

Display technologies are one of the key elements to achieving a truly immersive entertainment experience. After all, you wouldn’t want to watch 4K content with a TV screen or projector that delivers low-quality images and dull colors. Unfortunately, while your current display technologies may have been a great choice a few years back when you first installed your home theater, these solutions might not work too well with today’s content and systems. 

At Applause Custom Sight & Sound, we have a team of experienced professionals that are well-versed in the tech advancements you can integrate into your home theater to completely elevate your content-watching experience. 

You Are Lacking Acoustic Treatments

Anyone who has watched a movie knows the importance of sound to enjoy your content fully, but the truth is few people know how to make the most of their auditory experience. While integrating surround sound systems is crucial, adding acoustic treatments into your home theater space is one of the greatest ways to improve the audio quality and deliver much clearer sound throughout the room.

You Don’t Have a Smart Home Automation System

Enjoying your home theater installation goes beyond watching perfect definition pictures or high-performance sound. It’s about feeling completely comfortable and at peace, ready to have a fun, relaxing night with family, friends, or even yourself.

Through a smart home automation system, you can completely craft the best environment to enjoy a cozy, intimate movie night. At the touch of a button or a simple voice command, you can dim your lights, close your shades, set the ideal temperature and arm up your security system. Now you can sit back and relax in your home theater without worrying about a thing!

At Applause Custom Sight & Sound, we are passionate about helping you enjoy your spaces and fill your home with fun experiences. Are you ready to take your entertainment to the next level by updating your home theater installation? Contact us by filling out this online form or dropping a message on the chat box below. 

We look forward to hearing from you!


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