The Best Home Networking Setup for Family Night


A Reliable Home Network Gives the Best Entertainment Experience

Nowadays, every member of the family is watching their shows and favorite films on multiple devices.  The kids have their phones and gaming consoles, and you might relax in the sitting room, watching the news on your smart tablet or laptop.  But now that the kids are back to school and the holiday rush will soon be upon us, you can plan that Friday family night in with a dependable and strongly connected home network and an abundance of streaming entertainment at your fingertips. 

Here are some of the advantages to upgrading your home networking system and enjoying media together in your Mission Hills, KS home.

Hi-Def Streaming

4K Ultra High-Definition televisions are the new way to watch that classic film or to stream a binge-worthy show.  But to view your media without any glitches or buffering, an upgraded home network can ensure a speedy connection and zero lagging.  Now you won’t have to worry if everyone’s streaming and downloading is too much for your bandwidth.  Only concern yourself with getting the popcorn ready to experience your impressive and reliable 4K television to its full ability.

Router Location

With a professional installation, we can ensure your router will be either placed in a central location, meeting every point of the household, or make use of wireless access points.  These points can strengthen your signal throughout your home, enabling the network to cover the house in its entirety.  This way, you won’t have to wonder if the system is adequately connected and reaching your whole house.  Our proper installations will give you the most dependable and consistent network so that nothing will interrupt your entertainment.

Streaming Audio

Let’s say everyone is ready to have a calmer evening, such as listening to music after dinner.  Chat with the family over crisp and clear music playing in the background.  Utilize high-resolution audio streaming and never have to worry if hiccups will riddle your sound again.  You won’t have to download music files that will inevitably take up too much space and create clutter, but can instead instantly stream music for everyone to enjoy together.


Whether you’re wanting to enjoy time with your family on a Friday night or simply want to avoid the frustration of slow loading times and buffer screens on a regular basis, it’s a smart idea to invest in a home networking upgrade. That’s where our team of home networking professionals can help. To learn more about our services and the options for faster, more reliable streaming, contact us at (913) 498-1183 or online through our contact page.

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