The 3 Best Rooms for Audio and Video Distribution


Enjoy Easy Access to Audio and Video throughout Your Home 

With technological advancements happening daily, it’s a wonder how a home can fit and manage them all.  Smart equipment and devices in every room might sound like an enormously cluttered mess – but by installing a distributed audio video system in your Kansas City, MO home, you will be able to control every media system with ease. 

Instead of managing each device or system separately, AV distribution allows you to control all of your media from one central system. You don’t have to handle multiple apps or worry about setting up music to play across five different sound systems in your home. Instead, one button press can have every system in your home working together seamlessly.

So it’s a great idea to have AV distribution in your home, but where are the best places to put it? Here are the most popular rooms that would greatly benefit from utilizing distributed audio and video in your Kansas City, MO house.

1. Home Theater or Media Room

A private home theater or media room is usually the area where you’ll find the most audio and video systems, which makes it the perfect spot for distributed audio video. The home theater can become immediately easier to use and enjoy with AV distribution; a night in “at the movies” will be one simple press of a button away.  No longer will you have to find the many remotes and devices to turn on various screens, raise the volume, shift from one Blu-ray to another, or figure out how to work the projector.  Now, all your devices will be connected across the board, with one central control system in place that will allow you to manage everything from a smart device or tablet.


2. Bedrooms

There’s nothing better than easing into bed and falling asleep to your favorite movie.  But what if all the media equipment is elsewhere in the house? Not a problem! With AV distribution, you can remotely access equipment that’s tucked away out of sight in a media cabinet or basement. That way, you can avoid the clutter of having a Blu-ray player or cable box in your bedroom but still be able to watch and stream shows and film on your bedroom television.

3. Living Room

The living room, the most popular choice, is the perfect place for the distribution system.  The mess and clutter will be nonexistent, and you can view your media without interfering with your living room’s decoration and design.  You can see your favorite shows and movies from anywhere in your house with a distributed audio video system and also keep the media right where everyone can enjoy it in your family den.

With an audio and video distribution system, the possibilities are endless.  To learn more about how any room in your house can access the system, contact us at (913) 498-1183 or online through our contact page.

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