Team Up with a Smart Home Installer for Your Next Design Project


Make Elevating Any Space with Smart Tech a Breeze

If you’re an interior designer, then you know how important and crucial the precise placement of everything in a home is. But with the growing popularity of smart technology, you might think it’ll be difficult to bring in these solutions without impeding on your design plans – especially when you’re not an expert on the subject.

But by teaming up with a top-notch smart home installer in the Overland Park, KS area like Applause Custom Sight and Sound, you can rest assured that your client’s technology installations won’t just avoid interfering with your décor, but can also elevate it.

And you don’t have to learn the ins and outs of smart tech overnight – our integrators can walk you through the entire process while you focus on your designs.

Want to learn more? Keep reading below.


Defining Smart Home Automation for Your Projects

So what’s so great about smart home automation anyway – and what can it really do for your interior design plans?  When you think about smart technology, it can sound a bit futuristic and not realistic for everyday homes.

But smart automation is adding luxury, convenience, and comfort to more and more homeowners’ lives these days. What does this mean for you as an interior designer? These smart features won’t only bring security, efficiency, and accessibility to a space – they can also elevate any room’s décor.

You won’t have to sacrifice your specific style and aesthetics of a room so that it can have smart home control integrated into it. Now your homeowners can enjoy all the benefits and exceptional qualities of a smart automation system without noticing any obtrusive equipment or products.

That’s where smart hidden features – both automated and audio/video ones – come into play. You can incorporate in-wall and in-ceiling speakers in a media room to create a surround sound setup, and have a 4K TV screen lower when you’re ready to watch a film or show. No one will ever see these solutions until you press a button and reveal that they’re there.

Install motorized shades and home lighting control to add flair to a room and to add ambiance in a designated area. Spotlights can highlight artwork or other items in a room, and set the right mood. All of these smart features are able to add more to your design, without hindering it in the slightest.

But still – bringing smart technology to your projects can feel a bit overwhelming when you’re still not too familiar with it. So by working with a smart home installer like us, you can have a trusted team of professionals on your side the whole way through.

What the Process Looks Like

We make the actual smart home installations a breeze for you and everyone involved – including the client and architects and builders. We keep everyone on the same page and in constant communication with each other. This helps everything run smoothly right from the start.

Right as the project begins, we take all your design plans into consideration when figuring out wiring and other installation necessities. After pre-planning is done, you can let your integrators take over the technical side of things entirely. You’ll be able to work solely on your designs as our team takes care of the actual technology installations in the room or home.

We guarantee that we’ll help you bring your client’s dream home to life with top-notch smart automated features that match with your design plans.

Want to learn even more about why working with a smart home installer is a must for all your future projects? Feel free to give us a call or fill out our online contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation with our team. We’d love to hear from you!

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