
Amazon Alexa is the Hot New Smart Home Upgrade

One of the great things about home automation systems is that they never stay stagnant or boring. There’s always a new technology or feature that you can add to your system in order to get more value from it. The biggest trend for 2018 for Kansas City, MO homeowners is undoubtedly voice control.  If you haven’t yet taken advantage of this new smart technology, then keep reading to learn why you should.

Even More Effortless Control

On their own, smart devices go a long way toward making life easier for homeowners. For example, instead of having to walk into every room in the house to adjust the window treatments, turn the lights on or off, and adjust the music, home automation allows you to do it all with the single push of a button. Right from your phone, you can control how your home looks and feels.

It’s hard to improve on that, but voice control has managed to do so. Now, you don’t even need a phone or tablet nearby to achieve the same result. Instead, just ask Alexa to do it for you. It really is like having a personal assistant right there in your home.

SEE ALSO: What Can You Do with Smart Home Control?

What Can Alexa Do?

You might be familiar with some of Amazon Alexa’s more popular skills, like setting timers or adding items to your shopping list. But by connecting the voice-controlled device to your automation system, it can do so much more. It can control the lights, the thermostat, the motorized shades, the multi-room music system, and more!

Our favorite Alexa ability is its scene functionality. Instead of having to spend five minutes saying “Alexa, dim the lights. Alexa, close the window shades. Alexa, turn on the television…” and so forth, just initiate a relevant scene. “Alexa, start the Movie scene” will adjust all of the connected devices throughout the home to fit the settings that are perfect for whatever activity or occasion you’ve requested.

How to Get Started with Voice Control Automation

If you already have a smart automation system in your home, then you’re 90% of the way there! We can set up an Amazon Alexa to integrate seamlessly into your system. Just give us a call at (913) 498-1183 to get started.

If you haven’t yet upgraded your home with automation, there has never been a better time! We can work with you to develop a custom solution with technology that achieves your goals for comfort, beauty, and efficiency in your home. We invite you to fill out this short questionnaire or click the window at the bottom of the screen to start a live chat with one of our representatives so that we can learn more about your needs.

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