The Difference Between Smart Home Control and Home Automation


Learn the Different Ways You Can Manage Your Smart Technology in Leawood, KS

When researching smart technologies, chances are that you have heard the terms smart home control and home automation used interchangeably. But are these things the same? Each is a different way to use smart home technology. Smart home control is the actions you can take to control your technology, and home automation is patterns that you can set your smart technology to follow. Read on to learn more about the differences between smart home control and home automationfor your Leawood, KS-area home.



What Is Smart Home Control? 

Smart home control is how you control and customize the way your smart devices and home automation system function. Some standard methods of smart home control are smartphone apps, wall panels, remotes, wall keypads, or voice control systems like Alexa. Home automation systems like Control4 offer various ways to control your smart home so that it’s always effortless, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. Easily dim your home’s lighting, open or close your motorized shades, turn on the air conditioner, turn on your favorite playlist in every room of your home, and more with quick button taps, swipes, or voice commands.

What Is Home Automation? 

Home automation takes control of your smart devices to the next level. Much as the name implies, an automated system automatically responds to your home's environment without you needing to take any action. You would normally need to tap a button to dim your lights, close your shades, and turn on the air conditioner before a movieHowever, a home automation system will do so automatically when you hit the play button.

You can also schedule actions to occur at certain times of the day. For example, schedule your locks to arm, your landscape lights to turn on, your indoor lights to turn off, your shades to close, and your smart thermostat to adjust the temperature when it’s time to go to bed. Your home automation system can also sense when you arrive or depart and can perform certain actions. For example, as you drive up to your property after work, your smart home can adjust the temperature, turn on your porch and foyer lights, and even queue up a relaxing music playlist.

Bring Both Together

Atrue smart home experience combines both methods of control to create the perfect balance of set it and forget it and manual control for specific occasions. Our team proudly installs Control4 systems for home automation,which connects thousands of devices into one intuitive platform so that they can interact with each other. Partnering with a professional integrator will make the design and installation process simple so that you can enjoy all the convenience of a smart home without a headache.

If you are ready to start your smart home journey in Leawood, KS, visit our certified Control4 showroom to discover what this technology can do for you.Contact Applause Custom Sight & Sound today to schedule a tour or to learn more about what smart home technology can do for you.

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