Prepare for Fall with These Home Automation Tips


Make the Transition Seamless with Automated Scenes and an Enhanced Home Network

Our activities have shifted to almost all being online. We attend class or work online and then stream our favorite shows, all without leaving our home. As we prepare to get through this fall season while maintaining social distancing, your home automation system can be used to create a dependable schedule and sense of variety in your home. Read on to learn how a home automation system will help you to get through this fall and winter in Overland Park, KS!



Morning Routines

Summer is over, and the kids are back in school. This means that they can no longer sleep in late and need to get on a regular schedule. Unfortunately, this is incredibly difficult during this school year when most kids are attending school from home. The temptation to sleep in is even more prevalent, but smart home automation can make waking up a little easier. Create a personalized “Wake-Up” scene to get the kids out of bed for their online classes. The bedroom lights will slowly turn on, the shades will open to let in sunlight, and an upbeat music playlist will play on your whole-home audio system. Customize your settings to fit your family's individual needs and relax knowing that your kids will make it to class on time!

Climate Control

The weather is cooling off, which means you will be using your climate control system to warm your home. Unfortunately, this also means that your electricity bill may go up. A smart climate control system will minimize your energy usage to ensure that you are as efficient with your electricity as possible. For example, you can schedule your heater to automatically turn off or lower when no one is home. Motion sensors can be used to detect when a room is empty and will alert your smart thermostat to turn off the heater in that section of the home. When integrated with motorized shades, your home automation system can utilize sunlight to regulate your home's temperature naturally. When a room becomes too cold, instead of automatically turning on your heater, your home automation system will open the shades to allow in sunlight that will warm the room.

A Strong Home Network

Your network is the foundation of your home automation system. Your devices rely on a strong internet connection to communicate with each other, so it is imperative that your home network system can handle all your smart technology without slowing down or stopping. Applause Custom Sight & Sound designs home networking solutions that are reliable and robust, so you can rest easy knowing that your smart technology will function smoothly through every season of life. Best of all, our systems are completely scalable, so you can get the best of the future of home technology for years to come.

Applause Custom Sight & Sound is ready to assist with your home automation installation. Give us a call at (913) 498-1183 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation with us. We’d love to hear from you!

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