– Redefining Voice Control in Home Automation

Voice control system in Kansas City, MO

Take Advantage of AI to Further Improve Control Over Your Smart Home

AI-powered voice-controlled virtual assistants aren’t new. Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google Assistant are all examples of them. However, with the huge progression AI has gone through in recent years, voice control technology has also greatly evolved, giving birth to new, more advanced tools. is the best one of them all!

Read on as we discuss more about and why it’s becoming the most preferred voice control system in Kansas City, MO, for smart home management.

SEE ALSO: What Does It Really Mean to Have a Smart Home? – A Big Step Forward in Voice Control Technology and AI

We have all had our fair share of struggles with making Siri, Alexa, and Google Home understand what we’re saying. It’s not uncommon for these voice control tools to misunderstand even the simplest commands. How many times have you asked Google to play a particular song, and it played something totally different? And let’s not even talk about the irritating “Sorry, I didn’t get that” reply you hear countless times throughout the day.

These are what technologists refer to as weak AI tools. They may be smart controls, but they are not intelligent. They don’t learn. is a big step forward from these last-generation AI tools. It’s an advanced smart home control system powered by strong sensors, advanced language processing, and machine learning features to eliminate the barriers in voice-control technology and further enhance your control over your smart home.

Key Features of

There’s a reason why people have been going gaga over this new voice-controlled home automation system. Let’s look at some of its best features to help you understand:

  • can understand a wide range of accents and English language dialects
  • It’s capable of responding to more than 1,000,000 voice queries and commands
  • It can understand complex commands, including the ones that require doing multiple tasks at the same time. For example, you can use a single command to lower the blinds, dim the lights, and turn on a movie, getting your home theater ready in no time.
  • It’s powered by machine learning, which means it can learn and improve
  • It doesn’t sell data to third parties
  • Josh’s microphones come with the ‘mute’ feature to further enhance privacy and give homeowners the assurance that they are not being preyed upon.

Redefine Home Control with is specifically built for home control. Its many incredible characteristics and features make it worthy of the popularity it’s rapidly gaining in the home automation market. may be newer than other voice controls, but it has outperformed them by a huge margin. Ready to incorporate it into your smart home? Contact us at Applause Custom Sight & Sound to get this amazing voice control system in Kansas City, MO. For a free consultation, please contact us at (913) 498-1183, use the live chat box below, or fill out our contact form to talk to our home automation experts.

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