How to Build Your Smart Home Security System


3 Must-Haves to Keep Your Home Safe

Your home should feel like the safest place in the world. When you turn in for the night or go away for vacation, you should have the peace of mind that comes with a strong security system. Smart home security systems offer homeowners tools that up the ante when it comes to safety, convenience, and keeping tabs on the property. If you’re considering upgrading your security system in your Mission Hill, KS area home, then take note of these three essential smart tools. Continue reading to learn more about their uses and benefits. 

See Also: What Can You Do With Smart Home Control?

Surveillance Cameras

Smart surveillance cameras have multiple benefits. For starters, the very fact that you have cameras is a deterrent for any potential burglars. Having visible cameras around your property indicates that you are not an easy mark and will likely dissuade anyone considering your house as a target.

More obviously, these cameras allow you to see what happens when you are not there. Smart cameras enable you to access live footage or images from a specific time right on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. You can check in on your property at any point--whether you’re just at work or across the world.

Motion Sensors

When a burglar attempts to enter a home, they typically look for the easiest access point. If someone is casing your doors and windows from the outside, strategically placed motion sensors would be able to detect this activity. If one of these is triggered, you will receive an alert sent to your personal devices.

As part of a smart home system, these motion sensors could be made to trigger other parts of your system. Utilize lighting control to turn on interior or exterior fixtures to make it appear that someone is home, or an alarm could go off to deter anyone entering your personal space.

Smart Door Locks

Something as simple as forgetting to lock the door can cause a lot of grief. Smart door locks make it simple to make sure that your door is secured. Using an app on your smartphone, you can check on the lock from anywhere. If the door isn’t locked, then you can do so right there.

As part of your smart home system, you can incorporate your locks into scenes. Scenes are a collection of settings that you often use together. That way, you only have to press one button to make all the adjustments to your home that you’d like. the During a typical week, you can create a “Weekday” scene that turns off all the lights, closes the shades, and locks the door for you when you leave for work. Then, a “Goodnight” scene will put your home at your desired temperature, power down electronics, and make sure your door is locked. The result is that your locks will fit into your daily schedule and you can rest assured knowing that your doors are secured.

Smart home technologies mean that your home is not only safe but more convenient. To learn more about these and other smart home security tools and tricks, contact Applause Custom Sight and Sound today. 

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