3 Recommended Control4 Smart Home Scenes to Make Your Life Easier


Try Out These Scenes for Smoother Living in Your Kansas City Home!

Sure, you’ve heard that a home automation system will make your life easier, but what does that actually mean? Scenes are a fantastic way to enhance your experience. With just the press of a button, a series of complex actions will happen in sequence. As a smart home company, we partner with industry-leading home automation system company Control4 to help homeowners in Kansas City, MO live smarter. Read our blog to learn three smart home scenes that we recommend for your lifestyle!


SEE ALSO: 3 Key Benefits of Home Automation

Welcome Home

A "Welcome Home" scene will help you to unwind after a long day of work. With just the touch of a button on your preferred Control4 device, your lights will turn on to a dimmed setting, the thermostat will adjust the house to the ideal temperature, and the television will turn on to your preferred news channel. That way, right when you walk through the door, you can sit on the couch instead of turning everything on. Put your feet up, pour yourself a glass of wine, and relax.


Another helpful scene is an "Away" scene. How often have you or your kids forgotten to turn off the lights on your way out of the door? Having them on all day wastes energy and raises your electricity bill. A home automation scene will ensure that all of your lights are turned off with just the press of a button. Your thermostat will go into an energy-saving mode, so your air conditioner isn't being used when no one is home, your doors will lock, and your smart alarm system will activate. No more running around the house, trying to turn everything off to make it to work on time. Just press a button and head out the door!

Movie Night

“Movie Night” is the perfect scene for those that regularly use their home entertainment. With the rise in popularity of streaming services, you probably host a movie night with your family more often than ever. A custom smart home automation scene makes setup easy. When you activate your scene, the lights will dim, and the motorized shades will close. All of the doors in the house will lock so you can watch your movie safely, and the smart thermostat will turn on to the perfect movie-watching temperature. Your motorized home theater screen will roll down, and your film will start in the ideal cinematic environment.

Contact Applause Custom Sight & Sound today to schedule a free consultation and learn how to bring a Control4 home automation system to your property. We look forward to hearing from you!

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