3 Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Outdoor Sound Systems


Give Your Clients Perfect Outdoor Audio the First Time Around

Summer is here, and it’s the best time for your clients to enjoy their pool and to relax in the sun – or even to have friends and family over for a barbecue or cookout.

But they can elevate these occasions with the right outdoor sound system in place – and if you’re a builder or designer in the Kansas City area, you can ensure they get one.

So how do you make sure that everything goes accordingly and your clients get their dream sound system setup right from the start?  We’ve got you covered.

Take a look below at the top 3 mistakes we warn about when installing your client’s outdoor system.  Avoid these, and you’re on your way to delivering a quality installation – one they’ll love for years to come!




1. Charge Ahead without a Proper Plan

To create the ideal sound system setup in a homeowners’ backyards, you’ll need more than just a day’s work.  You’ll want to get the planning down perfectly.  Figure out what your clients truly want out of their system.

Are they more interested in centering the entertainment closer to the patio, where the TVs are or near the grill and pool?  Or are they wanting speakers and screens throughout their backyard, covering every square foot?

You’ll need to plan out your wiring infrastructure and layout for each type of speaker, so taking everything into consideration is crucial.

Make sure you have the plan down pat before getting started, so there are no hiccups or roadblocks ahead due to your clients wondering why something isn’t built to their liking.


2. Choose the Wrong Speakers & Design

Choosing the best high-performance speakers for the outdoor area is key.  We recommend brands like Triad and Monitor Audio which offer strong and weather-resistant speakers that can endure the elements and will blend in seamlessly with your clients’ existing décor.

Many believe that to achieve that ideal sound setup, the speakers must all be facing away from the house and towards the open backyard area.  However, this is false.  That will result in uneven audio and sound that reaches other peoples’ homes instead of the guests your clients are trying to entertain.

Strategically placing the speakers all around the property and towards the house can help the sound bounce off the walls and create a perfect layout that encloses the high-end audio within the desired area.

Your homeowners will feel like they have a personal outdoor concert playing for only them every time they turn on their sound system.


3. Leave Your Clients Clueless

Once all the hard installation work is done and the system is ready to go, the worst thing you can do is leave your clients without any idea of how to use it.

A sound system is easy to use – make sure your homeowners know this and can show their friends and family how to use it as well.

Let them know they have many possible selections when it comes to control.  Various smart devices, whether it’s their smartphones, tablets, or wall panels, can be used to operate every part of the system.  Water-proof and more stylish options are available as well.

It takes only a moment to show them how to manage the system and what certain button-presses can give them exactly what they’re wanting from the technology.  This step is simple but necessary to make your installation complete.

Want to learn more about installing an outdoor sound system for your client and other essential tips to follow for your next build or remodel project?  We can help!


Fill out our contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation with our team, or come check out our showroom to see the brands you’ll be working with.  We’d love to hear from you.

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