A Day in the Life of Full Smart Home Control Using Just Your Voice!


This is what your life could look like with the convenience of complete home automation and voice control

Imagine a home where every moment is perfectly customized to satisfy your every need. A place where, from the moment you wake up, you can effortlessly adjust your surroundings to match your mood or activities for the day. Doesn’t it sound like a dream? With Applause Custom Sight & Sound, you can make it come true!

As a Control4 dealer, we can help you set up high-tech solutions to seamlessly control your home, even using just your voice. Keep reading to learn more about what your lifestyle could look like with home automation solutions and voice control.

Make Your Home More Entertaining with Whole-Home Audio


Enjoy music in every room with a whole-home audio system

Is your music enjoyment limited to just one room of the house? What if you could take an immersive music listening experience with you to every room without being bound to a portable speaker or earbuds?

You can with whole-home audio. A whole-home audio system evenly distributes your tunes to every area of the home, indoors and outdoors, through discreet, high-quality speakers. Read on to discover why your Mission Hills, KS residence needs whole-home audio!

Bring Your Outdoor Area to Life with Revel Landscape Speakers


Enjoy High-Fidelity Music Throughout Your Backyard

Spring is upon us, and with it comes weekends and afternoons spent in your outdoor spaces in Mission Hills, KS. Are you ready to make this the best season yet?

One of the features that transform backyards is music. Not just any music, but the kind that fills the air. Creating this kind of immersive sound in your backyard requires the right equipment. With strategically placed high-fidelity landscape speakers designed for the elements, you can construct an immersive sound field, even without walls and ceilings to contain it.

At Applause Custom Sight & Sound, we are long-time audio-video enthusiasts with a passion for home automation and technology that makes our clients’ lives easier and more enjoyable. To accomplish this, we partner with best-in-class brands. One of these brands for outdoor audio is Revel.

Revel loudspeakers are world-renowned in the audio industry for their precise sound reproduction that promises audio as the creator intended. When they came out with landscape speakers, they delivered their award-winning sound to the great outdoors.

Learn more about Revel speakers for your outdoor audio enjoyment below.

3 Home Automation Features Every Homeowner Needs


Consider adding these smart technologies into your home for added convenience

Home automation has become the new normal and a priority for many new home buyers. With just a touch of a button, you can control your lights, shades, HVAC system, audio-video equipment, and more!

Home automation provides homeowners with added convenience, energy savings, and better security. Below, check out three home automation features that you need in your Leawood, KS home!