What Display Should You Use for Your Home Theater Installation?


Discover Whether a Projector or a TV Is a Better Fit for Your Home Theater

A lot of decisions go into designing a home theater, and perhaps the most important one is what display to install. You must consider size, picture quality, color, brightness, and more when evaluating which solution will best fit your project. The type of display is also an important component. Read below to learn whether you should use a projector and screen setup or a TV display for your home theater installation in Overland Park. KS.

3 Key Benefits of Home Automation


Discover How Home Automation Improves Home Security, Convenience and Energy Efficiency

More American households than ever are installing home automation systems into their properties. The convenience of controlling every aspect of your home from one centralized device is alluring. Beyond convenience, home automation improves home security and energy efficiency, too. Read our latest blog to learn three key benefits to a home automation system in Leawood, KS.

5 Types of Lighting to Consider in Your Home Theater Design


5 Types of Lighting to Consider in Your Home Theater Design

The importance of lighting in a home theater design project is often overlooked. However, light is a critical element of the design process due to its impact on user experience. This, however, is a double-edged sword. Lighting can have a positive or negative effect on your home theater design. Picking the right type of light for your project is crucial. Read our latest blog to learn which lighting types are commonly used in home theater design projects in Kansas City, MO.

3 Common Myths about Home Theater Installations


Don’t Make These Mistakes When Installing a Home Theater

A home theater is every movie lover's dream, but the installation process can be a nightmare. There are many misconceptions about the home theater installation process that can lead to catastrophic mistakes. These can cost you lots of money and derail the timeline of the project in your Kansas City, MO home. Be sure to take the time to research before you begin the design process. Please read our latest blog to learn three myths about home theater installations that you should leave at the door.