A Day in the Life with a Lighting Control System


Get a Taste of What Life Would Look Like with a Lighting Control System in Your Home

The lighting in your home plays more of a role in your life than you might think. Lights that are too bright may cause headaches, not having adequate lighting may disrupt your productivity and energy, and not controlling the intensity of the lights in your room before bed may make it harder to fall asleep.

Installing a lighting control system in your Kansas City, MO property gives you the power and control you need to elevate your home life. Curious to see what a day in your life would look like with smart lighting? Keep reading to find out.


SEE ALSO: Save Energy with Home Lighting Automation

Start Your Morning Off on the Right Foot

The way we start our mornings has a significant impact on how the rest of our day plays out. Imagine waking up to the lights in your bedroom ever so slightly dimmed, just enough for you to wake up without the shock of bright lights shining in your eyes—all without leaving your bed.

With a lighting control system, you can create custom lighting scenes for every part of your day. For example, try a “Good Morning” lighting scene where your bathroom lights and hallway lights leading to the kitchen turn on, lighting the way for you to start your day.

Stay Focused and Productive in the Afternoon

For many of us, 2020 has been the age of working remotely in our homes. While the afternoon slump was real back when we worked in offices, it could hit us even harder when working in our homes. When the temptation to take a nap hits you, a lighting control system can save you.

Keep your workflow going strong with human-centric lighting in your home office as you cross tasks off your to-do list. Human-centric lighting simulates the changing brightness and color temperature of the sun throughout the day to enhance your performance, comfort, health, and well-being by balancing the visual, emotional, and biological benefits of lighting for humans. No more harsh, stagnant light that hurts your eyes and causes headaches. Let your light fine-tune to the perfect brightness and color temperature to keep you energized and productive through the end of your workday.

Wind Down in the Evenings

When you’re ready to start the end of your day, you can dim all the lights in your home from the convenience of a wall keypad, your smartphone, or even by voice, to create a relaxing atmosphere while you enjoy a glass of wine before dinner. Enjoy a peaceful environment while eating dinner with your family and enjoying quality time together before bed.

Read a chapter of the novel on your bedside table and then tap “Goodnight” on your tablet or smartphone to turn lights off in your bedroom and throughout the house. Plus, when your lighting control system is integrated with the rest of your smart home, that button tap can also lower your shades, adjust the thermostat, and arm your alarm system right from the comfort of your bed.

If you’re ready to gain control over the lighting in your home, we can help. Give us a call or fill out our online contact form for a no-obligation consultation. We look forward to serving you!

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