A Day in the Life of Full Smart Home Control Using Just Your Voice!


This is what your life could look like with the convenience of complete home automation and voice control

Imagine a home where every moment is perfectly customized to satisfy your every need. A place where, from the moment you wake up, you can effortlessly adjust your surroundings to match your mood or activities for the day. Doesn’t it sound like a dream? With Applause Custom Sight & Sound, you can make it come true!

As a Control4 dealer, we can help you set up high-tech solutions to seamlessly control your home, even using just your voice. Keep reading to learn more about what your lifestyle could look like with home automation solutions and voice control.

SEE ALSO: A Control4 Dealer Makes Integrating Smart Technology A Breeze

Good morning: The Sun Is Finally Up!

Enjoy a peaceful start to your days in a home that, just by hearing your command, slowly raises the shades in your bedroom, turns on the bathroom lights and plays your favorite music or news station.

Are you looking for an even better experience? Pair up your Control4 system with Josh.ai voice control and let its pattern recognition feature take note of your preferences. The more you interact with your home, the more it becomes truly smart, anticipating your needs.

Goodbye: Have a Great Day at Work!

Have you ever left your home in a hurry only to go back to turn off your lights and lock your door? Make your morning routine a smoother, more enjoyable experience by asking Josh to do all of that for you. As you’re heading downstairs to the kitchen, tell Josh to turn off the news station and the lights in your bedroom. Ready to go out? Command Josh to set your security system and carry on with your day. Simply, efficient, and safe!

Good evening: Welcome Back Home!

Let Josh give you the welcoming environment you deserve. Create an “evening scene” that closes the shades in your living room as the sun goes down, turns on indoor and outdoor lights as you’re pulling up the driveway, and starts your favorite playlist through your most frequented rooms, such as your kitchen or family room.

Good night: Have a Well-Deserved Rest!

Get ready for a good night’s sleep by setting a peaceful ambiance in your home. You can ask Josh to dim the lights, set the right temperature and play relaxing music to help you wind down.  Forgot to turn off your kitchen lights, and you’re already snuggled up in bed? Not a problem! Ask Josh to turn them off for you and prepare for a restful night without a worry in your mind.

Josh.ai is more than a simple voice assistant. It is intelligent automation that makes your smart home truly smart. Everyone in your family will have fun creating the right environment for themselves because Josh is simple to use and customize. If you’re concerned about privacy, you’ll be happy to know that Josh.ai stores information locally in your home instead of the cloud. Everything that Josh learns is used solely to make your life better.

At Applause Custom Sight & Sound, we are passionate about helping our clients turn their houses into comfortable, luxurious homes through the latest technology. Are you ready to elevate your smart home experience? Reach out to us right here!


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