4 Ways to Enhance Comfort and Security With Home Lighting Automation

Turning on outside lights in the evening can make your home feel safer.

Update Your Security Features With Smart Home Technology

What's the first thing you do when you hear a noise in the night? Most would say they’d turn on the lights. Lighting can provide a resolution for fear of the unknown. It can also deter a possible criminal, so it makes sense that home lighting automation would be a great addition to your smart home security system.

Continue reading to explore four ways that home lighting automation can enhance the comfort and security of your Kansas City, MO, home.

SEE ALSO: Why Home Lighting Automation is Essential To a Home Theater

#1. Welcoming Entryways Any Time of Day

When you return home after a long day of work or a vacation, you want to return to a welcoming environment. Instead of approaching a dark and mysterious-looking house, a home lighting automation system can ensure you are greeted by an illuminated pathway and a lit entryway. These lighting elements go far beyond aesthetics; they can help you feel safer and more welcome when you arrive at your property.

#2. Customizable Timers for Enhanced Security

One of the ways we recommend homeowners utilize lighting automation is to schedule lighting timers. These timers can be set to turn lights on and off at specific times, creating the illusion that someone is always home. This strategy is an effective deterrent against potential intruders and provides an added element to your smart home’s security system. Beyond security, scheduled lighting can also assist with improving your home's energy efficiency by ensuring lights are turned off during certain hours of the day.

#3. Remote Access for Ultimate Control

Home lighting automation lets you control your home's lighting from anywhere using a smartphone or tablet. This remote access makes it possible to turn the lights off and on as needed throughout the day. For example, if you’re arriving home in the dark, you can turn your house lights on from the car to help you feel more secure walking into your home. This control adds convenience and enhances your safety.

#4. Integrate with Your Home Security System

When connected to a smart home security system, home lighting automation becomes a partner in protection. Install motion-activated sensors around your property, near the garage or outdoor shed, to alert you of any unusual activity. If your lights are triggered, you’ll receive a notification directly on your phone to stay informed no matter where you are.

Are you interested in learning more about home lighting automation for your Kansas City, MO, home? Applause Custom Sight & Sound is here to show you the way. For a free consultation, please contact us at (913) 498-1183, use the live chat box below, or fill out our contact form. Let us help you make your home smarter, safer, and more welcoming.

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