3 Unique Benefits of Lighting Control Solutions


Integrate a lighting control system and boost your smart living experience!

Lighting is a fundamental part of a luxury lifestyle. Great lighting enhances your decor, boosts your wellbeing and protects your family. However, to fully enjoy the experience in your modern smart home, you need a lighting control system that lets you easily manage your surroundings. This blog will explore three amazing ways this technology can elevate your home in Leawood, KS.


EE ALSO: 4 Questions To Ask Before Installing Home Lighting Control

It’s Good For Your Health

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Americans spend around 90% of their time indoors. And unfortunately, most of that time is spent under bright artificial lighting that is not only uninspiring but can also be quite unhealthy, as it can mess with your circadian rhythm and cause unhealthy sleep patterns.

With our lighting control solutions, you can program your lights to mimic the changes in natural sunlight. This will help you regulate your sleep-wake cycle and effortlessly fade away the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces.

Perfect for a Green Life

Our planet needs us now more than ever. For this reason, many homeowners have started to take an interest in eco-friendly technologies that allow them to keep their luxury lifestyle without further damaging Mother Nature.

With our lighting control solutions, you can schedule your lights to turn on and off at different times of the day. So say goodbye to wasting energy on lights that accidentally stayed on all day! Being in full control of your lighting system will help you keep your energy consumption low, reduce your carbon footprint and save thousands of money on energy bills.

Set Your Home for Every Mood

There is not one activity you can do at home that can’t be improved by adding the right lighting. Whether you are working, having fun or getting ready for bed, there’s always a lighting setting that can enhance your experience. 

Picture, for example, a busy morning in your home office. You want to stay energized and focused, and you can only drink a few cups of coffee before it’s too much caffeine. Our lighting control solutions allow you to brighten your white lights to help you remain alert and concentrated while you work. Then, as you get ready to call it a day, your lights can dim to a warm temperature and set the perfect mood to relax and watch a movie with your spouse or kids. 

But what about those Friday nights you are in the mood for something extra fun? If you are the party kind, you can bathe your surroundings in purple, blue and pink lighting to recreate a nightclub ambiance and quickly set the mood for hosting a cocktail hour. 

At Applause Custom Sight & Sound, we are committed to making your life more luxurious and convenient. Are you ready to add lighting control solutions to your home? Give us a call at (913) 498-1183 or fill out this online form.

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